GSM Based Smart Energy Meter With Theft Detection and Load control will autonomously measure, monitor, and control the energy consumption of the consumer and also transmit the necessary information to the consumer and the concerned utility companies using GSM. Also, meter tampering, load management, and automated billing are implemented using this meter.
- Bidirectional Energy Meter
- GSM Based Smart Energy Meter
- Prepaid and Theft Detection Energy Meter using GSM and Arduino
Working of GSM-Based Smart Energy Meter
Here we have made a smart energy meter using Arduino as the main controller GSM module and other sensors and IC. The main objective of designing the smart energy meter is
- Wirelessly communicate the information using the GSM network.
- Restrict the user from exceeding the maximum power usage limit
- Theft detection
In our Arduino-based smart energy meter, Arduino will control all the system means all the data from the sensors will be sent to Arduino, and Arduino will decide on what to do next. Our
smart energy meter project has three functions, which are given below
- User can receive his billing information just by sending a message
- User can fix a limit on load consumption in peak hours to save the bill, if the limit exceeds extra load will be cut off through relay.
- when the user will try to open the meter theft will be detected and a message will be sent to the electricity supply company.

Explanation (Arduino Based Energy Meter)
In the smart energy metering project, we have used the following components
Components used:
- Arduino
- GSM Module
- vibration sensor
- Switching Relay
- Relay driver IC
- 20*4 LCD
- Resistors
- Current Measuring Sensor
- Voltage measuring sensor
- Connecting wires
- Load
- LM324 operational amplifier IC
- SIM card
- Power supply
- Mobile Phones
Now we will discuss the working of these components one by one
- AC supply from the Electricity supply company will be stepped down at desired level using Step down transformer, which is then converted to DC using a rectifier circuit. This DC output is connected to the Arduino for measurement.
- For the power supply for Arduino you can use one more transformer, with rectifier circuit and place voltage regulator IC at the output of rectifier circuit or you can use only one transformer power supply and voltage measurement. Then the question arises why are we using voltage regulator IC?? The answer is we need constant DC voltage to power up Arduino and we can only achieve this by using LM324 IC.
- The LCD is connected to display our data like energy consumed, units, voltage, current, etc.
- Real-time clock (RTC) is used to get the real-time that will help in load management during peak hours.
- GSM is used for communication purposes.
- Vibration sensor is used to detect theft. When someone will try to open the meter then theft will be detected and a message will be sent to the electricity supply company.
- Relay driver IC is used to operate the relays in the circuit.
- Relays are used to turn on or turn off the load.
- Current sensor is used to detect the current.
- Load can be of any type like a fan, motor, bulb, etc.
Simulation and Result (Smart Energy Meter)
We have implemented our smart meter project using Arduino and GSM in Proteus software and have done coding in Arduino IDE software.

The result of the simulation of the energy meter is as follow
- when the user will send * as a message then he will receive his complete data through SMS.

- when the user will try to open the meter theft will be detected and the message will be sent to the electricity supply company

- During Peak hours when the unit will exceed the set limit, the extra load will turn off and a message will be sent to the consumer.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Smart Energy Meter
- No need for a meter reader.
- Provides information about the usage of electricity.
- Provides information about the bill.
- Provides information about different electrical parameters.
- Automatically shuts off excess load in peak hours.
- Installation Cost
- GSM Dependent System
Why do we need Smart Energy Meter?
In developing countries, the most used energy meters are ordinary meters without any smart features. The user must wait till the end of each month to get his bill. Due to improper readings, the bills are ambiguous, and faults are very common. The electricity supply company has no idea if his meter is being tampered with. No-load management options to save.
In short smart energy, meters are the need of the hour in all the countries across the world. After reading this article “GSM Based Smart Energy Meter” you will be able to make your smart metering system. We have tried to cover each aspect of the energy meter and will look for more and try to add those in the next update. Which functionality of the energy meter do you like the most? Let us know in the comments section below.
very impressive
Nice work. How can I get the code of the project?
Contact me on Instagram or facebook .You will find the link on the top right of page.
Please I want the code for this project
Yeah you can get this please contact me on instagram
Nice work. How can I get the circuit diagram and the code of the project?