How to Measure Current using ACS712 [Ac and DC with Coding]
Acs712 Hall Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor is used to measure both AC and DC. A circuit can be made using Acs712 and Arduino Uno to measure current accurately. ACS712 is…
we will discuss different Electrical Engineering Projects(with simulation and coding) on youtube and our blog.
Acs712 Hall Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor is used to measure both AC and DC. A circuit can be made using Acs712 and Arduino Uno to measure current accurately. ACS712 is…
A smart water distribution system is a hydraulic infrastructure that conveys water from the source to the end-user. when someone illegally tries to open the valve theft will be detected…
Free Space Optical wireless Audio Transmission system uses light in free space to transmit data in the form of bits for telecommunication or computer networking. This technology is used where…
Transmission Line Inspection Robot is also known as Power Line Inspection Robot is used on Transmission lines for monitoring and fault detection. Using this robot we can measure the current/voltage,…
Using GSM based Smart Energy Meter one can monitor his consumption using mobile phones just by sending SMS. This project consists of Arduino UNO as the main controller, GSM module,…
GPS GUIDED ROBOT is a self-piloted vehicle that does not require an operator to navigate and accomplish its tasks. Autonomous vehicles are a recently developed subset of robotics and can…
The emergency power pack has been developed to assist tourists during their journey. A solar panel and a small turbine were attached to the portable power pack to charge the…
Electric Bicycle Controller using Arduino will control the speed of the motor with the throttle, basically, the throttle’s signal is analog in nature when the throttle is varied the current…
The Prepaid Energy meter is rechargeable like mobile phones and theft detection functionality will detect any theft easily. This project consists of an Energy meter with Arduino UNO as the…