
10 Best Python Web Development Frameworks in 2023

web development frameworks for python
Written by inham

Are you a web developer?? Do you want to know about best python web development frameworks for 2022. You are at right place because in this article we will discuss in detail about top 10  python web framework. It doesn’t matter if you are expert or new to web development trust me after reading this article you will be able to choose best for you?

Why Python?  Because of its  easy-to-learn syntax, flexibility abundant libraries you can’t keep it out. It doesn’t matter if you are  in the field of web development, app development, android development, machine learning or data science Python have been using every where.


What is a Framework ?

A framework is a collection of packages or modules which allow developers to write web applications. It is the tool that  help to build the applications and reuse code.

How many Python frameworks are there?

There are  three types of Python frameworks

  • Full-stack
  • Micro-framework
  • Asynchronous

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Best Python Web Development Frameworks 

Choosing  the  best framework for web development  can be difficult, especially when there are so many options to consider. According to  Todaynewsmagazine there are plenty of frameworks but here are top 10  Python web development frameworks you should keep an eye on in 2023.

1. Django

framework for web

Django is a popular free and open-source python web development framework . This framework assists in developing quality web applications. It was created with the intention of bringing together common web development features which are generally scattered across many pieces of software and putting them into one package. Because of following features it came first in the list of top 10 python web development frameworks.

  • One can  define patterns for the URLs in your app.
  • Built-in authentication system.
  • Powerful URL system.
  • Offers  best data storage and recovery
  • Function like editing, adding, and deleting things with customization.
  • Multiple cache mechanisms.

2. Flask

best web development for python


Flask is a micro-framework for web development written in the Python programming language and is used for new web development projects. This framework is used by some big companies, like LinkedIn and Pinterest. Compared to Django, Flask is a micro framework and is best suited for small and easy projects. It does not provide many features out of the box, but rather relies on extensions that can be installed separately. This allows developers to choose exactly what they need while also keeping their code lightweight. The most popular extension are

  • Werkzeug used for creating data structures and dealing with HTTP requests.
  • Jinja2 which provides templates along with integrated debugging tools.

These two extensions combined make Flask a powerful choice for building small projects, prototypes, and APIs from scratch.

  • Built-in development server and debugger.
  • RESTful request dispatching.
  • Integrated unit testing support
  • 100% WSGI 1.0 compliant.
  • Extensions  that eases the integration of new functionalities.

3. CherryPy

web development framework

CherryPy is one of the oldest Python web frameworks. It is designed for ease-of-use and speed, and it can scale from a single machine to multiple servers. CherryPy uses its own built-in HTTP server, so it does not require an external server to run. This makes installation quick and easy on any operating system with a Python interpreter installed. Because of the following features it came third in the list of popular python frameworks for web development.

  • A consistent, HTTP/1.1-compliant, WSGI thread-pooled webserver
  • Easy to run various HTTP servers (for example on multiple ports) at once
  • Runs on Python 2.7+, 3.5+, PyPy, Jython and Android
  • Built-in tools for encoding, sessions, caching, authentication, static content, and many more
  • Built-in profiling, coverage, and testing support
  • Lightweight.

4. Falcon


popular python framework

Falcon is a framework for building REST APIs and web applications with the goal of providing an all-in-one solution. It has built-in support for tasks such as data serialization, security, templating, and caching. Falcon was built on top of Flask, so it shares many of the same features while also being more lightweight than other frameworks. For example, Falcon uses a service architecture which allows different parts of your app to be run concurrently if necessary. Because of the following features it came fourth in the list of top 10 python web development frameworks.

  • Built-in support for data serialization, security, templating, and caching
  • Light weight
  • ASGI, WSGI, and WebSocket support
  • No reliance on magic global for routing and state management
  • Stable interfaces with an emphasis on backwards-compatibility
  • Simple API modeling through centralized RESTful routing
  • Highly-optimized, extensible code base

5. Pyramid

top 10 best python framework for web development


Pyramid’s is one of the best frameworks run on Python 3. Mostly experience developers are using this framework so  its popularity is progressively growing. The unique thing about framework is flexibility and can be used for both easy and difficult projects. Users can develop basic web apps using simple approach. It has been used by tech giants like Mozilla, Yelp, Dropbox, and SurveyMonkey. Because of following unique features this come in the list of best python frameworks.

  • Can be used for  both small and large projects
  • URL mapping based on Routes configuration through URL dispatch and WebHelpers
  • HTML structure validation and generation
  • Testing, support, and comprehensive data documentation
  • Flexible authentication and approval

6. Hug :    Popular Web Development Frameworks for Python

The Hug is a Python 3 API framework that allows developers to build APIs and  use it whenever.  This framework has multi-threaded interfaces which means  it has abilty to simplify restful API construction and prototyping as.  This  framework is considered as the fastest web frameworks in Python.

The best thing about this framework is  its community is growing rapidly as the demand in the market is increasing.  If you face any  issue, there will be a developer to help you out of this.

  • Automatic documentation
  • Multithreaded Interfaces
  • Annotation-powered validation
  •  Write code once, and use it anywhere
  • Built-in version management
  • Compliance with Cython
  • Clean and Radically simple
  • Ability to run and use as Python standard library

7. Bottle 

pyton web develpment framework

Bottle is  small-scale frameworks used  for building web APIs. One thing that make this framework unique is  it will  execute everything in a single source document because it only depend on Python Standard Library. Bottle allows the developers to work closer to the hardware. The popular web development framework has been used by Netflix for its web interfaces and has many more unique features.

  • Requests to function-call mapping with support for clean and dynamic URLs
  • Fast and pythonic built-in template engine
  • Convenient access to form data, file uploads, cookies, headers and other HTTP-related metadata
  • Built-in HTTP development server and support

8.  CubicWeb

CubicWeb is a free and open-source web application framework.  Its  object-oriented which means that one can easily build web applications by reusing components (known as cubes), Because of the following unique features it came at 8th in the list of best python web frameworks.

  •  Driven by the explicit data model of the application,
  • RQL is  query language that is  similar to W3C’s SPARQL,
  • Selection+view mechanism for semi-automatic XHTML/XML/JSON/text generation,
  • Library of reusable components s,
  • Power and flexibility of the Python programming language,
  • Reliable SQL databases, LDAP directories and Mercurial for storage backends.

9. Pycnic

framework for python

Pycnic is a free and open source web development framework built with the Python programming language. It’s perfect for beginners who want to take their first steps into web development, or if you’re already a professional developer who wants to add a new skill to their toolkit.

Pycnic is written in pure Python, so it’s lightweight and easy-to-learn without any dependencies. It has an intuitive MVC structure that will allow you to build highly scalable applications quickly. And because all of its components are designed to work together seamlessly, you can start small and evolve your project as needed. One of the best things about Pycnic is how quick and simple it is to get started – everything from your database configuration to your security features are all handled by default.

  • Light Weight
  • Institute MVC structure
  • Simple to install and configure
  • Add extra context to errors before they are sent
  • Set error severity and  threshold

10.  TurboGears


TurboGears is a Python web  framework which act as  both Full Stack framework or as a Microframework. The next version, TurboGears 2, is built on top of several web frameworks, including TurboGears 1, Rails and Django. The best this about  this framework is it  can be used both as a full stack framework or as a microframework in single file mode. Because of the following unique features it come in the list of most used python framework for web.

  • Starts as a microframework and scales up to a fullstack solution
  • Code that is as natural as writing a function
  •  Object Relational Mapper (ORM) with real multi-database support
  • widget system to make building AJAX heavy apps easier
  • Multiple data-exchange formats support
  • Built in extensibility Pluggable Applications and standard WSGI components
  • User friendly template

There are many popular web development frameworks in python but each of them has its own pros and cons. Every Python developer can have different choice. But we have tried to make the list of free and open-source “Top 10 Python web development frameworks “. Also, we have tried to cover every aspect of topic and will look for more and try to add that in next update. Which framework will you use in next project? Do let us know in the comments section given below.


Here are some frequently asked question about the web frameworks

What is best framework for Python?


Which framework is best for web development using Python?

There are many popular frameworks but we have made the list of top 10 which are

  • Django
  • Flask
  • CherryPi
  • Falcon
  • Pyramid
  • Hug
  • Bottle
  • CubicWeb
  •  Pycnic
  • TurboGears

How many Python frameworks are there?

There are  three types of Python frameworks

  • Full-stack
  • Micro-framework
  • Asynchronous

Is Python good for web development?

Python’s unique features make it a best option for web development.  Free, open-source, and widely available are the feature every developer would like to have . Having different platforms for different project make it best fit.

About the author


Inhamullah Jadoon is an Electrical Engineer and Co Founder of He has vast amount of experience in the field of Engineering and in assisting Engineers on Software and Hardware issues.

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