Python framework for desktop app

Are you an App  developer?? Do you want to know about top 5 Python Frameworks for Desktop Applications. You are at right place because in this article we will discuss in detail about python desktop application development frameworks. The best thing about these Python GUI frameworks is one can develop web, mobile, and desktop applications without a keen knowledge of programming.

Why Python?  Because of its  easy-to-learn syntax, flexibility abundant libraries you can’t keep it out. It doesn’t matter if you are  in the field of web development, app development, android development, machine learning or data science Python have been using every where.

Types of Frameworks for Desktop Applications

If you want to develop a desktop application, you must have idea bout different frameworks so that you will be able to choose best one for you. Here are different types of frameworks

  • Desktop Frameworks for Windows App Development
  • Desktop Framework for macOS
  • Cross-Platform Desktop Frameworks

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5 Best Python GUI frameworks

Choosing right framework will make your Python desktop application projects . Here is the list of  6 Best Python GUI Frameworks for all platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac). The unique things about these  frameworks are easy to use and popular, and  open-source.

 1. Kivy

Python framework for desktop application

Kivy is open-source framework  that can be used to create Desktop applications on Windows, OS X, and Linux. The best thing about this framework is you can  build mobile apps for both iOS and Android, and use it on embedded devices like Raspberry Pi etc. Because of the following features it came first in the list of top 5 python framework for application development.


  • One code for all platforms
  • Graphics engine built on OpenGL ES 2
  •  MIT and BSD license (Free to use for business)
  • Custom UI toolkit
  • Huge community of  developers
  • Easy to use
  • User friendly interface
  • Fast

2.  PyQT

Python GUI framework

PyQT is  an Application and GUI toolkit framework available on Unix/Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and Sharp Zaurus. The most powerful and popular Python interface has  Qt library. Its up to the user whether he want to create a program by coding or using Qt Designer to create visual dialogs. The best thing about. This GUI framework using python has following features


  • Graphical User Interfaces
  • SQL Databases
  • Web toolkits
  • XML processing
  • Networking

3 .   Tkinter

desktop app development

Tkinter is one of the most popular programming frameworks for its simplicity and  GUIs (graphical user interface). This platform is famous for its simple UI and UX and even beginners can  easily use it for python desktop applications. Because of the following unique features it came third in the list of top 5 Python frameworks for desktop applications.


  • Open Source as well as Python License
  • User Friendly
  • Available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and mobile
  • Simple UI and UX
  • Various widgets  like labels, buttons etc.
  • Huge Community of developers

4.  wxPython


Python Frameworks for Desktop Applications

wxPython is open-source framework and is know as best desktop applications development with GUIs. This toolkit  is also known as extension module which means that it binds GUI elements from widget cross-platform library. This Python Frameworks for Desktop Applications has following feature


  • Open source
  • Cross-platform
  • Create applications for Windows, Mac OS and Unix
  • User Friendly
  • Easy to write and Understand
  • GTK2 or GTK3  Libraries
  • Native Widgets

5. Plotly Dash

Top Framework for desktop application development

Plotly Dash is Python framework for desktop app development and is used in variety of applications. This is the best platform to  build GUIs with less code. Because of the following it came in the list of best 5 GUI frameworks.


  • Open Source Framework
  • Data app Workspaces
  • Design Kit
  • AI app catalog
  • Report Engine
  • Dashboard Engine
  • Easy to use
  • Build GUIs with less code

In short Python is most used language and their are many other frameworks but we have tried to include those  “Top 5 Python Frameworks for desktop applications”  that have been using by best companies around the world. Which Framework will you use ? Let us know in the comment section below.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions

Is Python good for desktop applications?

Python is the most used programming language and is best for creating desktop applications and GUI (graphical user interface) apps.  We have discussed some of most used frameworks for app development.

Which framework is best for desktop development?

Here is the list of best frameworks for desktop development

  • Kivy
  • PyQT
  • Tkinter
  • wxPython
  • Plotly Dash
Which framework is used for Python desktop application?

There are different framework  used for Python desktop application but you can choose best one according to your need. Frameworks are Kivy, PyQT, Tkinter, wxPython ,Plotly Dash .

Which language is best for GUI?

Python is best for GUI because it has different frameworks that allows you to develop GUI’s with less coding.

Is Python better than Java for GUI?

Both Python and Java are most popular languages but for creating GUI one should go for Python. Because python provide numbers of frameworks that allows user to create GUI with less effort.

Can Python build GUI?

Yes! you can use Pythons framework for desktop applications to create nice looking Graphic user Interface.


By inham

Inhamullah Jadoon is an Electrical Engineer and Co Founder of He has vast amount of experience in the field of Engineering and in assisting Engineers on Software and Hardware issues.

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